Sunday, June 5, 2016

Diploma Dash

On Saturday morning a group of 18 Cooper students participated in the Diploma Dash.  Most of these students were joined by their families.  This is a run that is held to raise money for public schools in Sheboygan.  Our school tied Lincoln Erdman for first place for the most people participating in the run from a grade school in Sheboygan.  All the students that participated in this run from Cooper gave their best effort and showed tremendous perseverance.  There were a lot of proud Cooper parents and teachers watching them on Saturday.   Seven students from our classroom participated in the run.  They were Joel, Sam, Brayden, Zack, Danica, Allison, and Julian.  Ten Cooper students placed either in first, second or third place in their divisions.  The most important thing that happened on Saturday is all of the students and adults had a great time and the Cooper community was well-supported.  I can't wait for next year!

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