Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Famous Quotes from Room 117

Over the past week we've read the story, "The Chalk Box Kid."  We finished reading this story yesterday.  Here are some quotes made by students in our classroom about this story:

“I thought the book was pretty good, because I really like the ending.  In the beginning he didn’t have many friends, but at the end he had a lot of friends.”  Logan

“I like how at the beginning Vance was a bully and then at the end he became friends with Gregory.”  Shyann

“I liked the page in Chapter 9 when it showed the picture of the garden, because it looked like it had a lot of detail.  Allison and I counted 119 plants.”  Brayden

“It was very interesting.  I like how in the beginning Vance and everyone else was being mean to Gregory and then when the teachers looked at the drawings and loved it, Vance and the other students started being nice to him.”  Allie

“I like the part when Ivy introduced her brother to Gregory, because they became friends.”  Josephe

“I like how at the beginning Ivy was shy and then at the end she became friends with Gregory.”  Tifa

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