Friday, September 11, 2015

Survey Says

This school year each child will be in charge of creating a survey for the entire class.  During the past week I modeled for them how to do this.  They learned that you first have to ask a question.  My question was: What is your favorite subject in school? Next, I taught them how to send their survey to their classmates through their gmail accounts.  After receiving all of their results, I was able to guide them in creating a table to organize this data.  Soon after completing this table they learned about how to make graphs using this information.  They learned how to make bar graphs and pie graphs using their computers.  The pictograph was taught to them by using pencil and paper.  The last step was for me to share this data with them.  I  explained to them what I learned from the data I collected and how it helped me.  Below are a couple of graphs sharing the results to my question.  You will be seeing more survey results on our blog almost weekly.  These will be done by students.

SubjectNumber of students
Soc. Studies0

1 comment:

  1. there is no recess on here......that is what Danica tells me is her favorite subject. :) I am curious to know what she picked. I will need to ask her now.
    Danica's mom.
