Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Using DocHub to Solve Math Problems

Here is a math problem I sent each student through gmail.  Then, using DocHub, they answered this problem and sent me their answers through gmail.  This was all done paperless.  Thank you Brayden for showing us how to use DocHub.

Math Problem

Presenting to the First Graders

The students presented their body research projects to the first graders in Ms. Marzouki's class this afternoon.  They did a wonderful job sharing what they learned with them.  I enjoyed watching them teach the first graders.  Below the pictures, I attached links to most of the students' presentations.  The students would love for each of you to check out their projects.  If you are able to leave an encouraging comment, they would appreciate that.

Joey's an Allie's Brain Presentation

Julian's and Austin's Teeth Presentation

Brayden's and Caulden's Heart Presentation

Danica's and Maddie's Blood Presentation

Logan's Tongue Presentation

Allison's Joints Presentation

Zack's and Kylie's Muscles Presentation

Ambrosia's and Jake's Bladder Presentation

Sam and Joel's Lungs Presentation

Monday, March 21, 2016


Just a reminder that the students will be getting out of school at 1:00 this Thursday for the start of spring break.  School will reconvene on Monday, April 4th.  Today the students started to write stories based off of spring.  Some of them will probably finish their stories tomorrow.  Then I will post them for you to read.

New Math Problems

These are a few math problems our students are being asked to solve the next two days.


Round each price to the nearest dollar.  How much more money would it cost a family of five to go to a movie in 2013 compared to in 1983?  

Round each price to the nearest dollar.  Would it cost more money for a class of 20 students to go to a movie in 1993 or a class of 15 students to go to a movie in 2003?

Do not round the price of a movie for this problem.  How much money would it cost to buy 3 tickets during each of the years above?


Choose three movies.  Choose the time of the movie you would like to go to see.  Click on the movies title and find how long the movie is.  Figure out, by using a time line, when each of your movies will finish.  

Write the start times of each of your movies in a different way.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Making Words

The students were very creative with creating words this morning with the letters they were given by me.  All the letters together created a question.  The question was, "What does friction mean?"  Then they had to answer this question in their notebooks.
These words were created by Maddie and Allie. A few other words that were created were:  crater, reaction, raw meat, and mute.

Start   45 words

It’s when something slows another thing down.


What is Friction?

In science the students are learning about force and friction.  They created robots and are pulling different objects.  They are pulling objects on a linoleum floor and on a carpeted floor.  Also, they are putting wheels on their robots for some parts of the experiments and taking them off for other parts.  I will share their findings with you as they finish up on these experiments next week.  It's fun to see their excitement to learn.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

School Store

Logan and Sophia were scheduled to work today at the school store. They were swamped with customers, so Allison pitched in too.  The school store continues to be successful.  The school store will be open next Thursday, even with the shortened school day.  Also, I would like to say thank you to Logan's grandpa for helping us out today.

Independent versus Dependent

This week the students are reading a book titled, "Ants in my Bed."  This story is about a boy that finds ants in his bed.  He goes about figuring out how to solve this problem independently.  After reading this story we talked about the differences between being independent versus being dependent.   The students made a list of the ways the boy was both independent and dependent in this story.   The students made a similar list about themselves.  After making this list, they then created a paragraph explaining why they felt they were more independent or dependent.  It was fun to read where they feel they lie on this spectrum of dependency.  We talked as a group about their age and how it makes sense that they are more dependent on others for certain things, but we discussed how they are slowly becoming more independent too

I think I am more independent than dependent.  One reason I think I am independent is that I do my homework by myself, but my parents check it after I’m done.  Another way I think I’m independent is that I feed my fish every morning without being told.  My third thing that I do independently is that I find creative things to do when I’m bored like paint canvases and paint by number.  My fourth comprehension is I write weird and creative stories independently Weird Story.  Also independently I clean my desk area to make it is organized, so it is easier to find things when I need them.  Those are a few things I think I do independently.
Written by Maddie

I think I’m dependent because I am lazy and motionless when I am on the computer and I need to start doing things by myself.  I need my Nana to make my food and I need help building a new lego set I just got. I also need help making my bed and my food.  Another way I’m dependent when I go to the park I have to ask My Nana or Papa if I can go to the park by myself and I have to come home when the twins show up.  Also I need to ask my Papa if we can go fishing when it’s warm outside.  Those are some reasons that I feel I’m more dependent than independent.
Written by Josephe

I think I’m more independent.  I think I’m more independent, because I do a lot of stuff by myself.  Like doing my homework with a teensy bit of help and making my bed.  Another way I am independent is I have to deal with my sisters and brother. Those are some ways that I am independent.   

Written by Allie

I am independent and dependent.  I am a hard worker but not really at home because I get really hungry.  I need to have food so my mom and dad have to get it for me.  I need to clean my room but I need help.  I also need help for a swimming lesson or any lesson.  I need help getting things like my toothbrush because they are in a high place.  I need a ride to my friends’ houses so my mom or dad need to drive me there.  I am independent by riding my bike and playing video games.  I am also independent because I get my own water and reading in bed.  Those are some things why I’m more dependent than dependent.   
Written by Joel

I’m more independent. One reason is that I can get my stuff ready for sports. The second judgement is that I can do my homework without my parents asking. The third understanding is that I can go out fishing and take the fish off the hook .  I can change lures by myself. My fourth comprehension is that I can make my bed without my mom or dad asking. My fifth  generalization is that I can ride my bike in Evergreen by myself.  That is my reasoning for how I’m independent.
Written by Sam

I am kind of independent and dependent.  I have been independent by going to bed at the right time.   I have been dependent by relying on my phone to wake me up at the right time.  Another way I have been independent is taking a shower at the right time.  I have been dependent by relying on my mom to make dinner.  I have done things on my own when I do my homework.  I always do my homework.  I have depended on someone when I pack my weekend bag.  Sometimes I forget or my mom has to tell me to do it. This is why I think I am both independent and dependent.
Written by Logan

I think I am not as independent as the kid in the book.  One reason I think I am dependent because I have to ask if I can play the computer.  Another reason is that I go a lot of places with my mom or my dad.  My mom also makes my lunch everyday.   Also my mom checks my writing homework to see if there are any errors.  One reason I’m independent isI that I can play the iPad whenever I want to.  I can take a snack from the pantry.  I can also entertain myself by playing with legos and playing the 3DS.  Those are some ways that I am independent and dependent.
Written by Joey

I am more independent than dependent because I watch my sister for 30 minutes well my mom naps. I pack my own bags and shower and I take care of my own home work. I also clean my room by myself. I pack my bags for soccer by myself. On Wednesdays I walk home by myself. I make my lunch by myself well only when I have cold lunch. A few things I am dependent on my mom for are paying the bills, paying for food, Buying me clothing and shoes. Those are some things I am dependent on my mom for and things I am independent on myself. 
Written by Ambrosia

Monday, March 14, 2016

Lego Robotics

The students built their first lego robot today.  They are learning about pulling objects, friction and force.  All of the groups were successful in building their robot.  We were able to program a couple of the robots and get them to move.  It was a lot of fun.  Our class did run into a problem though.  We weren't able to get the iPads to recognize our smart hubs using blue tooth.   Only my MacBook would recognize them.  Once we solve this problem, each group will be able to control their robots using their own iPad.   This will lean to a lot of hands-on learning.

New Spelling Words

1. sea 2. began 3. shouted 4.took 5.river 6. crown 7. however 8. around 9. growl 10.fountain 11.ground 12.pounds 13.beneficial 14.influence 15.multiplication 16. division

Math Problems

Here are some math problems the students have been working on solving the past two days.  The following answers were submitted to me by Joel.


Write down the color and the name of the polygon.  Hexagon yellow, square orange, trapezoid red, tan and blue rhombuses.  Write down the amount of each polygon too.  13 hexagons, 18 squares, 6 trapezoids, 39 rhombuses.    Just focus on the polygons in the center that create the picture.  Hexagon!


Make a table and write the amount of time the class will spend on each subject (elapsed time).

            Elapsed Time
Morning Work and Routines
10 min
Guiding Reading
65 min
Writing 1
15 min
Related Arts
45 min
Writing 2
35 min
30 min
30 min
50 min
Social Studies/Science
50 min
R+1/Talent Development (Wed.)
30 min
Library Checkout and Literature Circles
15 min on Thursdays

 What will this class spend the most time on during the day?  Guided Reading  How long is their day?  6 hr and 15 min  

Write down another name for the following times.
10:15  Quarter after 10
2:45  Quarter to 3
12:30  half past 12
12:20  20 after 12
11:50  10 to 12

Write down the fraction for the amount of shapes above that are circles.  1/2  Write down the fraction for the amount of shapes above that are squares.  1/2  Write equivalent fractions for each of these fractions.


Does this recipe ask for more butter or more flour?  Explain your thinking.  ¼ cup butter and ⅓ cup flour.  More flour because the lesser the denominator the bigger it is.
Write two equivalent fractions for 1 whole.  2/2 10/10
Write two equivalent fractions for ¼.  2/8 3/12

This recipe will make 12 cookies.  You need 36 cookies.  Show how you would change this recipe so you can make the right amount of cookies.  Triple the ingredients.

18 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, ¾ cup butter, 3 cup sugar, 1 ½ teaspoon vanilla, ¾ teaspoon salt, 1 cup flour, 6 eggs, and 3 cup toasted pecans.

House Design

The students were given a new project to work on in math today.  They are creating floor plans for homes.  Their homes will be made from shipping containers.   There are certain criteria they have to follow in creating their floor plans. Their knowledge of perimeter and area will definitely be tested while completing this project.

Designing a House

In this project you will be creating a floor plan for a house.  There will be certain tasks that you have to complete.  I will be giving you specific rules to follow too.  You will be using grid paper.  Each cm on the grid paper will be = to 1 foot.  Good luck!

  1. Watch the video above.
  2. You will be creating a house out of a shipping container.  A shipping container is 48 feet long and 9 feet wide.  Figure out the total area and total perimeter of your shipping container.  Use this to sketch the perimeter or outside of your house.
  3. Before you start drawing, complete the math and plan it out.  Below are some of the criteria.  You need to follow it precisely. Use a table to record your information.
  4. Your house needs a kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom.  Be creative, but each room needs to be rectangular in shape.
  5. Create a table to share your information about each room. Include the perimeter, area, width and length for each of your rooms.
  6. Create a garage for your property.  Research the average size garage.  Also, place you house on a property.  Figure out the perimeter and area of your yard.  
  7. Write a short paragraph explaining your house and how you created it.  Share your thinking.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ranger Rick Videos

Ranger Rick Articles

The students are reading articles from Ranger Rick magazines this week.  They are working on figuring out the main idea and supporting details for their articles.  Also, each group is being asked to write a summary of their article amongst other tasks.  Below are short videos of the students sharing fun facts that they've learned so far.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Lego Kits

The students spent about a half hour getting the lego kits ready today.  Hopefully next week we will get the opportunity to start building with them.