Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Exploring Nonfiction Books

This week the students started a new guided reading program.  They were given a selection of books to choose form with a partner.  After choosing their book, they were asked to complete various tasks while reading their story with a partner.  This week they are being asked to focus on creating questions while they read their book.  Then the students will be asked to use other resources to find the answers to their initial questions.  Eventually they will have to present what they learned about their topic with the class.  Each group will have to create an acrostic poem to share with their classmate too.  The tasks they are being asked to complete are shown below.

  1. Choose a book to read for the week ahead.
  2. Explain in a couple of sentences why you chose to read about this topic.
  3. Make a list of everything you know about this topic before you start to read.
  4. Begin reading.  After you read two to three pages of you text stop and ask questions.  Write these question down.  Also, write down anything new that you learned about this topic.  Continue to do these tasks as you read your story.  Stop after reading two or three pages in your book until you finish reading your book completely.   It’s important to write good questions, as you will have to complete research later on in the week to learn more about the topic you read about in your book.  I have a table that you can use below to complete these tasks.

Facts I Know about this topic before I start to read the book.
Questions I have about this topic as I’m reading.
Facts or ideas that I learned from the book I am reading.

5.   Highlight at least four words that you would like to learn more about.  Use context clues to figure out their meanings.  Chart is below.  Then use each of these words in a complete sentence.

Clues from the story
Our experiences
Meaning or definition

6.  Cause and Effect-  Write at least four cause and effect sentences that help explain something you learned about your topic in your story.

7.  Make a flowchart with at least 5 steps or events to share something you learned about your topic.

8.  Research your questions from your chart above.  If any additional questions come to your mind as you complete your research write them down.  After researching, find a way to present what you learned with the class.  You have to include an acrostic poem about your topic.  Be Creative.  Need ideas, just ask.

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