How can a Car go Faster?
- In order to answer the question above, watch the first video. Only watch the beginning of the video about the racecar. Stop it after this part. What did you learn?
- Now watch the next video, “Hot Wheel Cars.” What did you learn from this video?
- Finally watch the last video, “Pinewood Derby Car.” Only watch about five minutes of the beginning of this video. You will watch the rest of the video at a different time. What did you learn?
- Now answer these questions.
What are some ways that cars have been improved to become faster?
What factors influence the time a car takes to travel a distance?
5. Build you racecar. Use the directions from the Lego app.
6. Program you racecar to travel 3 meters.
7. Using the small wheels, time how long it takes your car to travel three meters. Do this four times. You decide whether to use a carpet floor or a tile floor.
8. Using the big wheels, time how long it takes your car to travel three meters. Do this four times. Use the same type of flooring as you used with the small wheels experiment.
9. Now you will be using two small wheels and two big wheels. Your car will be traveling twice the distance as before. Predict what you think will happen.
10. Now test your car traveling 6 meters. Do this four times and use the same type of floor that you have for the previous experiments.
11. Now go to the last circle in the create part of your app. Complete these experiments. Create a table or find a way to take organized notes. Write down what you learned.
12. Write a paragraph explaining what factors make a car go faster. If you were designing your own car, what would you do to make it go faster.
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