During the last quarter of third grade the students take part in a handful of field trips. I listed the days and times below. Also, I listed the field trips that will need parent volunteers. If you are interested in chaperoning any of the field trips, please let me know.
Friday, April 22nd (Sheboygan Historical Museum) -it's an all day field trip and a couple of parent volunteers would be helpful.
Monday, May 2nd (Sheboygan Weil Center)- takes place from 9:30 to 11:30 and parent volunteers will not be needed for this field trip
Friday, May 6th (Hanke Farm)- takes place from 11:30 - 2:30 and one parent volunteer would be helpful
Thursday, June 2nd (Evergreen)- second and third grade will take a hike through Evergreen Park and Maywood. After the hike they will have a hot dog lunch and have fun. Parent volunteers will not be needed but if interested just let me know.
Friday, June 3rd (Evergreen rain date)
Monday, June 6th (Cave Field Trip to Ledge View Nature Center in Chilton, WI) this will be an all day field trip and parent volunteers are welcome to join us. You will get dirty from head to toe.
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