Monday, December 14, 2015

Dogs versus Cats

The students were asked to write a persuasive paragraph sharing their thoughts on whether cats or dogs make better pets.  There definitely some strong opinions in our class on this topic.

                           Dogs vs Cats
Dogs are the best pets in the world, but cats are the worst.  Dogs help blind people unlike cats. Another reason is that dogs protect their owners when strangers come in the house, but cats just lay there .Dogs mostly do trick more than cats.  They sit, lay down, rollover, paw, and play dead.  Dogs mostly run but cats just walk around when their owners go somewhere.  Dogs also stay home when your family goes somewhere and they never get scared.  Dogs and puppies are fun to play with! Dogs are the best, so get a dog not a cat! Written by Austin

Cats are better than dogs. One reason why cats are better than dogs  is cats need litter boxes. Litter boxes are more cleaner than dogs pooping in someone’s yard. It’s gross to step on the dog’s poop. Another reason is cats don't drop fur that much and dogs shed quite a bit. My third  reason is cats are playful and don’t bother you that much.  Dogs always bother you and disrupt you . My last reason why I like cats is they are very still and dogs are a little bit hyper.  Cats are very detailed with different colors, spots and stripes. They look lovely. Those are my four reasons why cats are a YAY and dogs are a meh. Cats are way better than dogs.
Written by Tifa

Dog are better than cats.  One reason dogs are better than cats is that dogs can go outside to the bathroom. They don’t stink up the house with a poop smell.  My second reason that dogs are better than cats is that dogs are in the military. They can protect all owners and some protect cats too.  My third reason dogs are better than cats is dogs listen better than cat because a dog listen when you say their name and tell them to do a trick. My last reason that dogs are better than cats is a dog is more fun to play with.  A little grumpy cat is not fun to play with at all.  My conclusion is that dogs are better than cats.
Written by Jake

   Cats vs Dogs
Okay people, we all know dogs are better than cats. Let me tell you why. Dogs can help people that can’t see. Besides dogs don't scratch on everything like cats do. Personally I  like dogs better than cats because cats poop in the house and dogs don't. The reason I don’t like that cats poop in the house is because it STINKS. Don’t you hate that cats rub on your feet all the time? I sure do!  Guess what? Dogs can help you hunt deer but cats can't. That's exactly why dogs are the best ever. Written by Ambrosia



  1. what grade are these kids in and where

  2. Are you trying to make cats not cared for by saying "Dogs are the best, so get a dog not a cat!"? What you hate about cats, I love. What you love about dogs, I hate. I don't know how else to put it. And I'm not blind or in danger. So maybe dogs are the better pet for you but I disagree and think that cats are much better for me.
