Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dogs vs. Cats

I prefer dogs to cats. A reason I think dogs are better is that you only have to feed dogs bones. The second reason I prefer dogs is because cats have sharp claws that could scratch you. The next reason I like dogs more is because they help blind people. The last reason I prefer dogs to cats is that cats need litter boxes and litter boxes are messy. Those are most of my reasons why I know that dogs are way better than cats. written by Zack

I know dogs are better than cats. You can play fetch with can also play tug of war too.That is so much fun.You can also go on walks in the woods or walk around the block.Dogs can be your best friend because they can go places with you. Also dogs are active because they run around the house.Dogs are awesome because they go on walks with you,play with you,and they dig with you.They will bury stuff with you.They will play dead.They will play anything basically, so you should like DOGS BETTER THAN CATS!!!!!! Written by Julian

Who would like cats when dogs are around? Everyone knows dogs are wayyyyyy better. First of all dogs listen to their owners like you can teach dogs tricks and they come when you call them. Cats on the other hand just sit there and when their owners call the cat’s name they go farther away from them. Second of all dogs go to the bathroom outside and it fertilizes the plants and helps them grow. When cats go inside the house in their litter box it makes the house smell like cat poop.Third of all dogs are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter. They can be taught how to cross roads. Cats don’t even know how to come when you call them. Fourth of all dog spelled backwards is God and cat backwards is tac and tac is not even a word. Those are reasons why dogs rule and cats are not cool.   Written by Brayden

Which is better a dog or a cat?  Dogs are way better than cats.  My first reason that dogs are a lot  better than cats is some dogs help injured people while cats just sit around and be lazy.  My second reason is dogs sometimes help firefighters and cops, but yet again cats just sit around and sleep all day long.  Another explanation is dogs are a lot more adorable than cats, because dogs can get really fluffy. My last explanation is cats need litter boxes and you need to clean the litter box, when you can just let a dog outside to go to the bathroom.  That’s why I  think dogs are a lot more enhanced than cats. Written by Maddie

         CATS VS DOGS

Dogs are a hundred times better than cats. Here are some reasons why.  My first reason why dogs are completely better than cats is that cats have to be declawed and dogs don’t!  My second reason why cats aren’t nearly as awesome as dogs is that dogs can swim and cats don’t ever touch water, because their fur would puff up and they would not be able to move.  This is better for people, because they can swim with their dogs and play with them!  Another reason why dogs are the BEST animals compared to cats is that when a robber robs your house the dog will protect your house and a cat will probably run and hide.  My final reason why dogs are a hundred times better than cats is that dogs are loyal and help blind people and cats are the complete opposite!  People have to help cats more than they have to help dogs!  That is why dogs are more loved than cats. Written by Logan

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