Thursday, January 7, 2016

Lego Grant

At the beginning of the school year I wrote a grant to obtain lego robotics for a science unit in third grade.  This week I found out that we will receive this grant.  Below I posted a few things that we will be receiving with this grant and a short video.  I can't wait to receive them and allow the students the opportunity to explore and create.

Lego Video

WeDo 2.0 ReadyGo Classroom Packs,prod610004

WeDo 2.0 ReadyGo Classroom Packs

In Stock
The WeDo 2.0 ReadyGo Classroom Pack is the definitive WeDo 2.0 solution. It contains everything you need to ignite your students’ desire to learn while enhancing their skills in science, engineering, technology, and coding.
Includes over 40 hours of preprepared guided and open projects with step-by-step lessons that meet all students’ needs no matter their ability level.
Conveniently packaged for a variety of class sizes, the WeDo 2.0 ReadyGo Classroom Packs include:
  • One WeDo 2.0 Core Set for every two students
  • WeDo 2.0 Curriculum Pack with 17 projects and Design Library
  • WeDo 2.0 Software with integrated documentation tool
  • Learning grids that align projects to key standards and objectives
  • Integrated assessment tools
  • Classroom management tips and tricks
  • Ideas for extended learning opportunities
  • E-learning program 2


  1. Congratulations on receiving the grant. The students are fortunate to have such an awesome teacher who goes the extra mile!

  2. I found your blog entry while searching for info about Lego WeDo. Great to see that teachers in AU embrace this new technology. I am working on an assignment for my teaching decree: Selling a digital initiative to principal, colleagues, parents and students as a whole school initiative. I have chosen Lego WeDo as the theme. Enjoy your very exciting new school year.

    1. Thank you for the nice response. We look forward to learning with Lego WeDo 2.0. It's going to be a great experience for the students. I hope your assignment goes well. If you need any input from out class, just let us know.

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