Thursday, January 7, 2016

Spelling Words

Here are Brayden's and Joey's sentences they created for each of their spelling words this week.

Spelling Words

  1. Joey cried when his baby brother threw a smelly sock at him.
  2. Joey said, “It better of dried up outside because I want to go fishing.”
  3. My brother likes milk.
  4. Joey screamed, “Ow!” when he said “Let’s punch the wall.
  5. Joey was whipping and nae naeing while he was listening to the song.  watch me
  6. Albert Einstein was known for throwing the rubix cube at Joey when he fails.
  7. The butcher used a knife to skin the pig.
  8. I knock on the door before I came in.
  9. It is wrong to throw a marker in a class.
  10. There is a knot in my shirt.
  11. My shirt has a wrinkle.
  12. I wrap my mom’s present.
  13. I broke my wrist.
  14. I dislocated my kneecap.
  15. Nine is the product of 3x3.
  16. Five is the quotient of 10/2.

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