Friday, February 5, 2016


I would like to thank everyone that was able to attend their child's conference this week.  I enjoyed talking to each of you and sharing how your child is doing in third grade.  I know your children loved the opportunity to share some of the things they are working on in our classroom with you.  You may come to our classroom at any time to check out the cool things we are learning about in all subject areas.  At any time that you have a concern or question please contact me.  I appreciate any feedback that you can give me, in order to make our classroom an even more efficient place.  If you weren't able to attend your child's conference please contact me and we will find a time to meet. 

I've enjoyed teaching this group of students tremendously.   They are eager to learn and ask many great questions.   I look forward to watching them grow even more during the second half of third grade.

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