Monday, February 8, 2016

Funny Math

This week the students are going to work on explaining their thinking mathematically.  They are going to work on this by watching some funny videos from the past.  In these videos, some adults make silly mathematic mistakes.  They need to explain what they did wrong and then find the actual answer to each of these problems.  The last video is to give them an opportunity to practice their writing skills.

  1. Watch the first video.  It’s titled “Interesting Math.”   Explain who is right.  Explain what the person who is incorrect did wrong.  Figure out the answer to this problem.
  2. Watch the second video.  It’s titled, “Interesting Math #2.”  Explain who is right.  Explain what the person who is incorrect did wrong.  Figure out the answer to this problem.
  3. Watch the third video.  It’s titled, “Millionaire ?.”  Fast forward it to the 3:00 mark. Once you hear the problem, stop it and solve it.  Share with me what you feel the correct answer is.   If I give you the okay, watch the rest of the video and see if you’re correct.
  4. Watch the last video.  Write a complete paragraph sharing your point of view of this video.  

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