Monday, February 22, 2016

More Fraction Problems

The three students that live on Surfer Dude/Dudette Island divided a sandwich into fourths or quarters.  Each student ate one piece.  What fraction of the sandwich did each student eat?  What fraction of the sandwich did they eat together?  How much of the sandwich is left?  If Mr. Waara eats one piece of the sandwich, how much of the sandwich will have be eaten in all?

Make a hexagon and divide it into sixths.  Shade in all of the pieces.  Write the fraction showing how much is shaded in.  Now make another hexagon and divide it into sixths too.  Shade in all of the parts of this hexagon.  Write a fraction showing how much has been eaten.  How many sixths would it take to equal three whole hexagons?  How many sixths would it take to make four whole hexagons?


The animal doctor at the zoo was trying to figure out what zookeeper gave more meerkats their medicine.    Zookeeper Tanner told the animal doctor that he gave two-eighths of the meerkats their medicine.  Zookeeper Mateo told the animal doctor that he gave one-fourth of the meerkats their medicine.  What zookeeper gave more meerkats their medicine?  Explain.

How many meerkats were given their medicine?  What fraction of the meerkats haven’t received their medicine yet?  Write an equivalent fraction for this fraction.

Create your own fraction problem for this photograph.  

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